So you've booked your bridal hair & makeup artist, and your trial is coming up.. but you're not sure how the trial will work or how to get the most out of it to make sure you leave feeling confident with your bridal look. I have a couple of quick tips that will ensure you feel like you've nailed your bridal hair & makeup look down!
Be Prepared
Make sure you've had a browse on Instagram or Pinterest to find some bridal hair/makeup inspiration that you like or are most attracted to when you're browsing. My go-to place is usually pinterest, and I will always tell my brides to have a look on there and create a board with lots of images that you most resonate with. You obviously need to be looking for hair/ makeup pictures, but even accessories, dresses, colours, themes can all help when creating bridal looks as this gives us an overall picture of the style you're going for!
Don't Book Your Trial on your Hen Party Day
As a professional bridal artist of over 8 years, I have been asked from brides if they can kill two birds with one stone & have their trial on their hen party day. However I do strongly advise against this for a couple of reasons..
Your bridal makeup & hen-do makeup will be completely different. You'll more than likely want something a bit heavier on your eyes/ skin for your hen-do as it's a party night. However your bridal artist isn't there for this reason. Your trial is for you & your artist to spend a few hours together perfecting your wedding day look so if you're planning on keeping what you're going to look like a secret, it's a bad idea!
You'll most likely be pre-occupied & excited for what's to come. Your hen party is an exciting time, all your friends and family together to celebrate you getting married. You'll have people texting you to make sure everything is going to plan, you'll be thinking about what you'll be wearing and a million different things than your bridal trial. So keeping the trial and your hen party separate means giving both events the attention they need.
Wear Something White